Rationality (Undergrad)
Readings (.zip file)
The first half of this course is blackboard- and problem-set based, learning the workings of Bayesian probability and decision theory. For that you'll need this book (and unfortunately I don't have lecture recordings to share).
The second half focuses on empirical work on human rationality. Handouts below.
Handouts on human (ir)rationality section:
Hindsight bias, Hedden 2019
The Gambler’s Fallacy (Dorst, 2020 blog post)
The sunk cost fallacy (Hastie and Dawes 2011, Ch. 2)
The sunk cost "fallacy"? (Doody 2020)
Motivated ignorance (Kinney and Bright 2021)
Conformity (Easley and Kleinberg 2010, Ch. 16)
The explore-exploit tradeoff (Gopnik 2020)
Polarization (Nielsen and Stewart 2018, Part 1)
Confirmation bias (Kelly 2008)
Readings (.zip file)
The first half of this course is blackboard- and problem-set based, learning the workings of Bayesian probability and decision theory. For that you'll need this book (and unfortunately I don't have lecture recordings to share).
The second half focuses on empirical work on human rationality. Handouts below.
Handouts on human (ir)rationality section:
Hindsight bias, Hedden 2019
The Gambler’s Fallacy (Dorst, 2020 blog post)
The sunk cost fallacy (Hastie and Dawes 2011, Ch. 2)
The sunk cost "fallacy"? (Doody 2020)
Motivated ignorance (Kinney and Bright 2021)
Conformity (Easley and Kleinberg 2010, Ch. 16)
The explore-exploit tradeoff (Gopnik 2020)
Polarization (Nielsen and Stewart 2018, Part 1)
Confirmation bias (Kelly 2008)